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Impressive greenhouse complex for Schenkeveld

Future-proof facility

  • Client Schenkeveld
  • Area 22 hectare
  • Produce Tomatoes
  • Location Rijsenhout, Netherlands
  • Year(s)
With everyone's combined efforts, the greenhouse and the processing area were finished on time, and we were even able to harvest the first tomatoes before New Year's Eve.
Richard Schenkeveld, Schenkeveld

Request project

Under the smoke of Schiphol, along the A4 highway, an impressive greenhouse complex has been built. An initiative of "Prominent" grower Schenkeveld Tomaten, this project was built like a cloverleaf: divided into four identical growing areas of 11 hectares (27 acres) each, all connected to a centralized packing warehouse and technical facilities.

Challenge and approach

The preparations for the project started many years ago, but Schenkeveld could only actually start construction in 2017. Bombs from WWII caused a lot of delays, but despite that, the project moved along quickly enough so that tomatoes could be harvested in time.

Results and characteristics

Two of the four greenhouses have already been built and VB has equipped them with a high-quality climate control system, an impressive 10,000 m3 buffer tank, 2 boilers of 10 MW each, 4 CHPs and a tech setup that can easily handle suitable the complex's future expansion of another 22 hectares (54 acres).

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