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50 acre future to farming

Bushel Boy Farms building to the future

  • Client Bushel Boy
  • Area 20 hectare
  • Produce Tomatoes on the vine
  • Location Mason City, Iowa USA
  • Year(s)
"This climate is so perfect for the tomato plant that fungi doesn’t have a chance".
Wil Ruigrok, Mason City Bushel Boy Farms

Request project

With this new building bushel boy want to reach markets as fas south as Kansas City, Missouri. The company already works with the Hy-Vee grocery chain which hits not only Iowa and Missouri, but Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, South Dakota and Wisconsin as wel. 

Challenge and approach

When the containers were loaded, Covid hit. There where a lot of meetings whether the project would continue and wheather BBF could continue with the built. Luckily the cost of not building were higher then continue.
Then came the challenge of our workers to fly over and work. In the end the planning was met with excellent teamwork.

Results and characteristics

VB installed a new Sandwich system roof with 100 cm thick insulated plates. With this achieved the area can be kept cold with less cooling energy.
Everything is built in accordance with the newest food safety regulations.

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